

centrul international antidrog


The I.D.E.C. is the International Drug Enforcement Centre. its aim is to combat the development of drug trafficking and illicit use.

In collaboration with other organizational structures, it coordinates in the field and updates the institutions and government organizations involved in drug demand reduction activities with specific protocols.

For this reason, thanks to our national and international experience and our continuous updating with international agencies, such as D.E.A, INTERPOL, EUROPOL, we are always at the forefront with our agents in the fight against drugs.

We have a specific mission in the fight against drugs, create innovative prevention and recovery protocols, profiling drug addicts, for government agencies and state police. We are affiliated with other European agencies and we are signatories of a collaboration protocol with the National Anti-Drugs Agency under the Ministry of Administration and Interior.

Our strength is the passion, the passion that our agents and our staff make available every day around the world to fight drugs. Our slogan is to analyze, coordinate, recover. For this reason we the I.D.E.C. we strongly believe in our mission, to fight the development of drug trafficking and illicit use.

drug information programs

world day against drugs 2024 – 26 June

The official theme for observing the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2024 is ‘Invest in Prevention’  Today, June 26, 2024, the global campaign promotes awareness and investment in drug prevention. It urges close collaboration between governments, communities, and international organizations to effectively tackle this worldwide issue. Emphasis is placed on the importance of strategies based on scientific evidence, human rights, and compassion. The goal is to create a safer and healthier future by reducing illicit drug trafficking and the impact of organized crime through preventive and cooperative initiatives on a global scale.

European drug report 2023

This EMCDDA annual report contains a comprehensive list of national data on drug supply and key drug trafficking reductions in Europe. What are the trends, what do the latest market data say, which substances are most harmful to health. The answers to the questions can be found in this European Drug Report 2023: Trends and Developments

A joint Europol and US Drug Enforcement Administration analysis report

New Europol –  analysis report on the involvement of Mexican criminal actors in the EU drug market.
In recent years, seizures of methamphetamine & cocaine linked to Mexican criminal actors has emerged as a prominent feature of this landscape.

The report dives into the criminal actors’ activities, their links to EU-based criminal networks, the methods they use, and the potential threats that may develop in the future.

joint europol drug enforcement

Drepturi de autor © 2023 ID.E.C. – Toate drepturile rezervate.

Campanie de informare a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne

Persoana care conduce un autovehicul sub influența alcoolului sau a substanțelor psihoactive ori fără permis și comite un accident de circulație, soldat cu decesul victimei, va fi condamnată la închisoare cu executare. Recent, Codul Penal a fost modificat, fiind eliminată posibilitatea condamnării cu suspendarea executării pedepsei în astfel de cazuri.

Susține și tu campania MAI! Vorbește familiei și prietenilor despre pericolele consumului de alcool și droguri! Împreună putem reduce numărul victimelor și al evenimentelor rutiere grave, pentru a ne bucura de deplasări în siguranță!