centrul international antidrog

Drugs are man-made substances, either from plants or chemically. Regular drug use leads seide effects to respiratory disorders and constipation, weight loss, and irregular menstruation in women.
Side effects of drugs

Information regarding the side effects of drugs is very important. Read and document the most common drugs.

Drug addicts rarely sleep at night, but when they are exhausted and eat very little and irregularly.  People who use hallucinogenic drugs usually choose isolated spaces for consumption because the use of them causes hallucinations, causes them to shut themselves in, to perceive the world in a different way to make them unable to have normal conversations with other people.  They tend to shut themselves in, to stop communicating with others, to spend time with people who use drugs.

 Marijuana smokers often have the same medical problems with their airways as cigarette smokers.  Marijuana users are at risk for lung infection;  coughing, sneezing, being cold more often than people who do not use this drug.  The health risks are generally considered to be higher than those that occur in the case of smoking.

 Research has shown that regular and long-term use of marijuana can cause cancer, especially of the throat and airways.  Marijuana contains more carcinogens than cigarette smoke.  One study found that a person who smokes 5 joints a week receives as many carcinogens in the body as a smoker of a pack of cigarettes a day.

Information regarding the side effects of drugs is very important. Read and document the most common drugs

The risk is very high and perhaps, more important than those set out above, to arouse the desire and appetite for very high risk drugs, such as heroin.  Many of those who start with marijuana end up taking heroin – and many of them end up taking nothing – because they die prematurely.


Drugs are man-made substances, either from plants or chemically.  Regular drug use leads to respiratory disorders and constipation, weight loss, and irregular menstruation in women.  From a mental point of view, the following can occur: anxiety, mood swings, paranoia, extreme fatigue, irritability, depression and severe insomnia, restless and restless sleep.  Drug addicts usually end in suicide, overdose, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney blockage and liver cirrhosis.

 Marijuana or hashish

 the person has bright red eyes, always has a smile on his face, is absent from everything that happens around him and is isolated.  It is a great pleasure for sweets.  A heroin, morphine and methadone – the person has very shiny eyes, small pupils of the “needle” type and has a tendency to scratch continuously in different parts of the body.  He is in a continuous state of drowsiness, reduced appetite which causes obvious weight loss, drinks a lot of fluids and often shows vomiting.

 Cocaine / Amphetamines 

the person shows sudden and very rapid changes in mood (goes from a state of euphoria and hyperactivity to a state of apathy).  He has a very clear look, speaks continuously and in many cases, has very pale lips and tongue.  He has a tendency to chew continuously, as if he had chewing gum even if he has nothing in his mouth.  

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drug addicition

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