centrul international antidrog


WHO classifies drugs into three groups

Classifies drugs:

All those substances of vegetable or synthetic origin which acting on the central nervous system cause states of physical and / or psychic dependence are considered narcotic substances. Many substances of this type are capable of inducing phenomena of dependence, tolerance and addiction to varying degrees.There are numerous ways of classifying drugs.

Coca (Erythroxylum coca) is a species of plant in the Erythroxylaceae family, which grows as shrubs up to 5 m tall. The plant is evergreen, with elliptical leaves that have a length of approx. 15 cm, with a red bark and yellow flowers from which red fruits are formed. It grows in the eastern Andes, in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil. The part of psychoactive plants are the leaves that are harvested three times a year and are ready to be used after being dried in the sun. The active ingredient is Coca cocaine, contained in coca leaves in a proportion between 0.35% and 0.90%.

In the classification of drugs Cocaine is an exciting drug just like “amphetamine” with devastating negative effects: consumers lose their reasoning, their brains are destroyed, they have fixed ideas, hallucinations and paranoia attacks. It is well known for its aphrodisiac effects, feelings of power and beauty. which creates for the consumer to feel “the center of the universe.” Due to the short-term effect of the drug, the addict must consume all the time to maintain his well-being even during periods when he is not under the influence of his drug. it decreases is nervous and depressing.
Cocaine is found in various forms: Basuca – cocaine paste (base), with a purity of 35%, widespread in South America, can be smoked as such or mixed with tobacco or marijuana. Hydrochloric cocaine – street cocaine, with a concentration of about 25-35%, is mixed with diluents, sometimes purity reaching 100%. This substance can be injected or trapped and is soluble in water. Cocaine free base (Crack) – is obtained by solvent extraction and has a purity of 100%. It is insoluble in water and therefore must be smoked.

Classification of drugs the crack: The name comes from the noise produced during the heating and smoking of cocaine through pipes or other similar instruments along with ammonia or baking powder and soda to get an even more devastating drug. The result is a product called crack or base. Crack consumption is very addictive from the first use. In the case of this type of drug there is no daily dose, the person consuming as often as possible and more and more.

It is a morphine derivative originally developed to treat withdrawal attacks created by morphine. It has a sedative effect, being one of the deadliest drugs. Physical intoxication occurs in a few months during which the body reaches saturation. It is usually given intravenously, although it can be inhaled and smoked. Creates physical dependence in a few weeks if consumed frequently. The heroin addict is convinced that he could want it at any time if he wanted to. To continue to feel the effects, the heroin addict has to constantly increase the amount of the drug, with devastating effects on the body that usually lead to overdose and death.
Heroin addiction causes the consumer to give up his moral values, to become estranged from family and friends and to end up stealing in order to have money to buy his drug doses.

Alcohol is the most widely used drug due to the fact that it can be found everywhere and at any time, it costs little and is accepted by society. Depending on the doses consumed, alcohol produces euphoric, disinhibiting effects, is sedative or stimulant. Consumed in the long run, it causes addiction, and the symptoms of abstinence are more serious than those of heroin abstinence manifesting in the first phase by trembling hands and in extreme cases even delirium and convulsions.

Classification of drugs the Methadone is a synthetic opioid similar to morphine and heroin. It is an oily substance that is consumed orally created to treat heroin addicts and currently causes more serious damage than heroin because it creates a very strong addiction that over time makes recovery impossible. The symptoms of quitting methadone are much more intense than those caused by quitting heroin and last 7-10 days compared to 72 hours for heroin.

 Subutex (buprenorphine) was introduced in France in 1996 as a substitute for heroin in detoxification treatments and is currently prescribed in treatments lasting 28 days for maximum results. At present, subutex treatments benefit 85,000 patients annually, compared to those with methadone, which benefit 15,000.
Subutex is consumed orally or by injection and has stronger effects than heroin, which is why it is currently sold on the black market. Like methadone, Subutex is a highly addictive drug substitute.

The name cannabis is conventionally used to indicate the plant from which psychoactive drugs are obtained and for psychoactive drugs obtained from this plant. The most important active substance in cannabis is tetrahydrocarbonate (THC) and the best known derivatives are marijuana, cannabis and hashish.

 Marijuana and hashish are in the light drugs category. Consumption of marijuana and hashish damages memory and the ability to concentrate. As a narcotic effect, marijuana and hashish remove feelings of shyness, inhibition, weakness, especially the opposite sex. It causes personality changes and loss of interest in his normal life: sports, school, hobbies, friends, family, etc., the consumer focusing only on the well-being he obtains by using drugs.
The most obvious symptoms of marijuana or hashish use are: permanent fatigue, the person always seems to have his head in the clouds, unrelated to the environment and the people around him and the difficulty of remembering recent events.

 LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide 25) is a white, odorless, tasteless powder that is consumed orally. The effects of LSD use vary widely, lasting between 5 and 12 hours and can be stopped by taking 50 mg of chlorpromazine. LSD is sold in powder form on 1×0.8 cm cards containing approximately 100-200 Mg, dissolved in liquid or in a colored gel (“windowpane”). LSD can cause psychological dependence especially if it is consumed by people with a weak personality.

 It was launched on the market at the beginning of the century together with amphetamine and was withdrawn from the market shortly due to its very aggressive effects. The effects of ecstasy are very strong and last very short and in the case of people with unstable psyche can cause serious mental disorders causing delirium and hallucinations similar to cocaine. After the effect of the drug passes, the consumer feels depressed and anxious.

 Amphetamines are usually given intravenously, although they can be taken orally, and are preferred for their strength, confidence, and security. The main symptoms of an amphetamine user are: shaking hands, sweating on the forehead, repetitive gestures. Unlike heroin and cocaine, in the case of amphetamines the onset of addiction is not influenced by how the substance is consumed and in terms of the amount consumed, the use of higher doses intensifies the side effects without changing the intensity of the pleasant effects. As specific symptoms of the amphetamine user we mention: loss of appetite, insomnia, permanent wakefulness and anxiety that can turn into a continuous state of anxiety, the person who uses amphetamines becomes paranoid, hears voices that do not exist. Amphetamine use mainly has devastating effects on the brain and amphetamine overdose can lead to acute and irreversible cardiovascular failure that causes death.

It is also known as Ecsasy Liquid or Liquid X. In low doses, GHB creates a state of euphoria, intensifies sensations of movement and hearing, libido and sociability. At higher doses, GHB can cause dizziness, nausea, agitation, depression, shortness of breath, amnesia, loss of consciousness and death. The effects of GHB use last between 1.5 and 3 hours or more if higher doses are consumed in combination with alcohol.
Generally, the doses used are between 500 – 3000 mg and 0.5–3 ml of liquid with a concentration of 1 gram / 1 ml. Used as a recreational drug GHB is found in the form of a white crystalline powder of sodium or potassium or in the form of GHB powder dissolved in water forming a clear solution which usually has a concentration of 1 gram / 1 ml and a power twice as high. than the Xyrem solution which is the legal version of the drug sold in pharmacies for medical use. GHB powder dissolved in water presents an increased danger because the exact concentration is not always known and therefore the exact dose of GHB that is consumed is not known.

 The name translates to “ice” and was determined by the shape in which it is found, namely crystals similar in appearance to crack but much more toxic than it. Considered the drug of the future in America, ICE is a very strong stimulant of the nervous system causing states of euphoria, enthusiasm, invulnerability. Unlike other drugs, it can also be consumed by chewing. The effects last between 8 and 24 hours and after their passage, they cause states of aggression, depression, hallucinations and kidney problems. It creates addiction very easily.

 Ketamine is available as a powder or liquid. The powder is similar in appearance to cocaine and is known as “Special K”, “K”, “Ket”, “Kez”, “Kezbar”, “Ketso”, “Horse”, “Hoss”, “Kezzle”, “Kowbell” or “Horse Tranqulizer”). It can be consumed by inhalation, injected or dissolved in beverages. It can also be consumed by smoking, usually mixed with marijuana or tobacco. The smoke has a distinctive bitter taste and the effects are felt much faster than in other consumption variants.
Ketamine causes hallucinations, changes in the perception of distances, colors, time and at the same time slow down the ability of the visual system to transmit to the brain what the consumer sees at that moment. The auditory system is also affected, the consumer not being able to understand what is being said and sometimes having auditory hallucinations. Ketamine produces a dissociative state characterized by the impression of leaving the body and detachment from the physical form and the outside world.

Classification of drugs the Mescaline is a natural alkaloid used as a recreational drug. It is found in the cactus of Peyote (Lophophora williamsii), the cactus of San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) and the cactus called Torta Peruviana (Echinopsis peruviana).
The effects produced by mescaline are somewhat different from those produced by LSD by the fact that hallucinations are determined by the surrounding elements, by existing auditory and visual stimuli: colors are perceived very intensely, and among the forms most often perceived under the effect of mescaline are stripes, squares , multicolored dots. A specific effect of mescaline and rarely found in other narcotic substances is the “geometrization” which consists in the perception of three-dimensional objects in two dimensions. The effects of mescaline last about 12 hours.

 Represents the active substance of opiates produced from plants and is used as an analgesic in the pharmaceutical field. It has properties similar to those of heroin in terms of toxicity, tolerance and dependence.

Opium is a narcotic obtained from the sap of unripe poppy seeds. Contains 10% morphine, an alkaloid used in the production of heroin. It is smoked or chewed.

Classification of drugs the Poppers is the street name for a variety of nitrites consumed for recreational purposes by inhalation. Some of the substances in this category can be used to improve sexual pleasure by causing prolonged orgasm and distorted perceptions. The effects are immediate and last 2-3 minutes causing side effects (nausea, vomiting, headache).

The term is used to indicate drugs that are found in pharmacies, are marketed legally and have psychoactive effects: stimulants, antidepressants, painkillers, tranquilizers, hypnotics.

Psychoactive substances for therapeutic use and these include drugs that act on the nervous system (tranquilizers, sleeping pills, certain painkillers / tablets, drugs used in mental disorders);

Illegal or illicit drugs; psychoactive substances that are not used in medicine, namely – opinacea, cannabis, hallucinogenic and hypnotic substances, sedatives, cocaine, and other “stimulants”, substances that are banned in most European and Western countries; Legal drugs whose use is permitted by the laws of various countries and which have a psychoactive effect on the brain of the user who consumes them: nicotine, alcohol and caffeine are the most common.

All these psychoactive substances act on the brain by stimulating and acting on that mechanism called “pleasure”, which regulates activities such as sex or the need to eat, smoke, etc.
When the provocative pleasure behavior is repeated, the level of pleasure is reduced because after 4 servings of your favorite food you become indigestible or you feel like eating … This does not happen with the use of psychotropic substances, because the desire does not decrease, on the contrary , – often becomes an obsession and even an addiction.

To these are added the laboratory drugs and the so-called “ethnobotanical”
All these are dangerous chemicals made in various forms of presentation are extraordinarily toxic and can cause come, total or partial paralysis, rot and loss of flesh on the body, delirium and other terrible effects (eg Krokodil – produced in Russia, or the new zombie drugs, etc.). Some (ethnobotanical) – contain poisons used against rodents and parasites in agriculture or fruit growing. Some of the largest producers of chemical drugs around us are in: Poland, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Moldova, etc.,
(source: European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction).

 Drugs are man-made substances, either from plants or chemically. Regular drug use leads to respiratory disorders and constipation, weight loss, and irregular menstruation in women. From a mental point of view, the following can occur: anxiety, mood swings, paranoia, extreme fatigue, irritability, depression and severe insomnia, restless and restless sleep. Drug addicts usually end in suicide, overdose, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney blockage and liver cirrhosis

If we take into account the drugs – tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants – the percentage of Romanians who tested the drugs reaches 8.6%. 

The percentages are simple – 1,300,000 Romanians have tested on their skin what banned substances mean, according to a report by the National Anti-Drug Agency. 

And as the range of choice is vast, the most used drug is cannabis, in a percentage of 1.5%, followed by ecstasy – 0.4%, heroin (- 0.1%, hallucinogens – 0.1%, cocaine  in both forms – base (or crack) – 0.1% Cannabis nationwide, because it is smoked or tested in all regions of the country, regardless of age, of course, most fans, aged between 15 and 64  for years, I am in Bucharest – the consumption registering here a percentage of 5.6% The capital is followed by Transylvania – 1.3% and Muntenia, Moldova, Banat-Crisana – 1.1%, Dobrogea with 0.9% and Oltenia  The rest of the drugs – ecstasy, heroin, inhalants, amphetamines and cocaine – are mainly tested by young people between the ages of 15 and 34.

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