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Protocols of the EMCDDA what is the function of this agency?

EMCDDA protocols

The EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) is a European Union agency that monitors and analyses the state of drugs and drug addiction in Europe. The EMCDDA shares several protocols to collect and analyse information on drugs and the drug situation in Europe.

The first protocol shared by the EMCDDA is the collection of data and information on drugs and the drug situation in Europe. The EMCDDA collects and analyses data from sources such as scientific research, surveys, official statistics and other sources of information.

The second protocol shared by the EMCDDA is the assessment and analysis of the effects of drugs on health and society. The EMCDDA assesses and analyses the effects of drugs on health and society, such as the long-term effects of drugs on mental and physical health, the effects of drugs on social and family relationships and the effects of drugs on the economy and work.

The third protocol shared by the EMCDDA is the promotion of drug addiction prevention and treatment. The EMCDDA promotes the prevention and treatment of drug addiction through the development of guidelines, the organisation of awareness-raising campaigns and the training of health and social workers.

 The EMCDDA uses a wide range of methods to collect and analyse information, including surveys, official statistics and scientific research. It also uses a range of tools to assess the effects of drugs on health and society, such as assessing the long-term effects of drugs on mental and physical health, the effects of drugs on social and family relationships and the effects of drugs on the economy and work.

In addition, the EMCDDA develops and promotes drug addiction prevention and treatment programmes, and provides training and support for health and social workers. The EMCDDA also works closely with national and international agencies to coordinate drug-related actions and share information and best practices.

It publises an annual report that provides an overview of the state of drugs in Europe, providing information on emerging trends, available treatments, evolving drug markets and the impact of policies.

Among its activities, it has also developed an early warning system to identify and assess new and emerging psychoactive substances, to help authorities make informed decisions and develop timely responses.




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